Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction & How to use this course

  • 2

    Key Terms & Glossary

    • Archetype

    • E-Book - Archetypes

    • Aspects

    • E-Book: Aspects

    • Houses

    • E-Book: House Systems in Astrology

    • Elements

    • E-Book: Elements

    • Modalities

    • E-Book: Modalities

    • Qi Gong

    • E-Book: Qi Gong

    • Meridians

    • E-Book: Meridians

  • 3

    Before You Begin

    • Disclaimer

    • Warm Up/Discovery

    • E-Book: Microcosmic Orbit- Wu Chi - Horse Stance

    • Setting up the Microcosmic Orbit - Wu Chi - Horse Stance

  • 4

    First Quadrant: Houses 1-2-3 Me, Myself & I

    • E-Book: Topic 1

    • Topic1

    • First House

    • Archetypes: Aries-Mars-Cardinal Fire

    • Aspect: Conjunction

    • Qi Gong- Holding Ball-Intro

    • Tutorial: Hold the Ball

    • E-Book: Topic 2

    • Topic2

    • Second House

    • Archetypes: Taurus-Venus-Fixed Earth

    • Aspect: Opening Semi Sextile

    • Qi Gong- Prayer for Vitality

    • Tutorial: Prayer for Vitality

    • E-Book: Topic 3

    • Topic 3

    • Third House

    • Archetypes: Gemini-Mercury-Mutable Air

    • Aspect: Opening Sextile

    • Qi Gong: Removing the Mask

    • Tutorial: Removing the Mask

  • 5

    Second Quadrant-Houses 4-5-6 Me & Them

    • E-Book: Topic 4

    • Topic 4

    • Fourth House

    • Archetypes: Cancer-Moon-Cardinal Fire

    • Aspect: Opening Square

    • Qi Gong: Golden Eagle Spreads Wings to Embrace the Child

    • Tutorial: Golden Eagle Spreads Wings to Embrace the Child

    • E-Book: Topic 5

    • Topic 5

    • Fifth House

    • Archetypes: Leo-Sun-Fixed Fire

    • Aspect: Opening Trine

    • Qi Gong: Lift & Paint the Sky

    • Tutorial: Lifting & Painting the Sky

    • E-Book: Topic 6

    • Topic 6

    • Sixth House

    • Archetypes: Virgo-Mercury-Mutable Earth

    • Aspect: Opening Quincunx

    • Qi Gong: Fall from Heaven

    • Tutorial: Fall from Heaven

  • 6

    Third Quadrant: Houses 7-8-9 Them, Theirs, Out There

    • E-Book: Topic 7

    • Topic 7

    • Seventh House

    • Archetypes: Libra-Venus-Cardinal Air

    • Aspect: Opposition

    • Qi Gong: Yin Yang Palm

    • Tutorial: Yin Yang Palm

    • E-Book: Topic 8

    • Topic 8

    • Eighth House

    • Archetypes: Scorpio-Pluto-Fixed Water

    • Aspect: Closing Quincunx

    • Qi Gong: Phoenix Rises from the Ashes

    • Tutorial: Pheonix Rises from the Ashes

    • E-Book: Topic 9

    • Topic 9

    • Ninth House

    • Archetypes: Sagittarius-Jupiter-Mutable Fire

    • Aspect: Closing Trine

    • Qi Gong: Gathering & Offering

    • Tutorial: Gathering & Offering

  • 7

    Fourth Quadrant: Houses 10-11-12 My Purpose, My Connections & My Spirit

    • E-Book: Topic 10

    • Topic 10

    • Tenth House

    • Archetypes: Capricorn-Saturn-Cardinal Earth

    • Aspect: Closing Square

    • Qi Gong: Silk Reeling

    • Tutorial: Silk Reeling

    • E-Book: Topic 11

    • Topic 11

    • Eleventh House

    • Archetype: Aquarius-Uranus-Cardinal Air

    • Aspect: Closing Sextile

    • Qi Gong: Washing Ren Mai

    • Tutorial: Washing Ren Ma

    • E-Book: Topic 12

    • Topic 12

    • Twelfth House

    • Archetypes: Pisces-Neptune-Mutable Water

    • Aspect: Closing Semi Sextile

    • Qi Gong: Consolidation

    • Tutorial: Consolidation

  • 8

    Eternally Yours

    • Acknowledgments

    • Eternally Yours

  • 9

    Your Review

    • Review

  • 10

    Sources & Readings

    • Full E-Book- PDF Attached-Ready for Download

    • E-Book Source Page

    • Nicole Garceau - Co-Creating Today

  • 11

    BONUS * Uninterrupted-Full Qi Gong Sequence

    • Full Qi Gong Sequence- Uninterrupted


What to expect

The Energy-Matter-Meaning connection, or that of Mind-Body-Spirit, has had a growing presence in modern culture, especially as of late. What many people often forget, however, is that ancient civilizations practiced rituals, and some still do, that involve some form of movement to celebrate their connections to the cosmos, the earth, and their integral role in the grand tapestry of the whole symphony. Even today, many cultures continue to uphold practices that integrate the aspects of Mind, Body, and Spirit, refusing to sever their ties to the cosmos and the earth. Unfortunately, the advent of industrialization and technology commodified our lives and distanced us from these sacred rituals, causing the marvel and enchantment of the cosmos to fade away. It should come as no surprise that we find ourselves in a state of crisis as a species. However, there is always a path to rediscover back to our inherent and fundamental state of being. The arrival of James Webb Telescope couldn't have come at a better time. Our eyes return to the sky, and our minds are ushered forward. Hopefully, our bodies can once again synchronize with the mysteries and magnificence of the sky. The exploration described herein contains the tools I use to incorporate a deeper understanding of "As Above, So Below" in my life. These tools have led me to a place where I am deeply tuned into my multidimensional nature transcending beyond the constraints of time and space. As you embark on this journey, it's important to recognize that this book and course are not intended to be seen as magic tricks. However, there is indeed a sense of magic to be discovered within them. This comprehensive body of work offers a fresh array of tools, perspectives, and connections that bring us closer to unraveling the depths of our existence, a quest that humans have pursued since time immemorial. Wishing you a beautiful discovery and happy movement!